- Metabolite
- HMDB0011718 (4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde)
- Biospecimen
- Feces
- Status
- Detected but not Quantified
- Data source
- Referenced
- Concentration
- Not Quantified
- Age
- Adult (>18 years old)
- Sex
- Both
- Condition
- Colorectal cancer
Lyophilized feces samples (n=131) were used in the study. Instrument: GC-MS; LC-MS. Technology specification: GC-MS/MS and UPLC-MS/MS in multiple conditions; authentic standards (metabolon).
- Sinha R, Ahn J, Sampson JN, Shi J, Yu G, Xiong X, Hayes RB, Goedert JJ: Fecal Microbiota, Fecal Metabolome, and Colorectal Cancer Interrelations. PLoS One. 2016 Mar 25;11(3):e0152126. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152126. eCollection 2016. [PubMed:27015276 ]