Hmdb loader
HMDB Protein ID HMDBP01050
Secondary Accession Numbers
  • 6339
Name Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1
  1. PPT-1
  2. Palmitoyl-protein hydrolase 1
Gene Name PPT1
Protein Type Enzyme
Biological Properties
General Function Involved in palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity
Specific Function Removes thioester-linked fatty acyl groups such as palmitate from modified cysteine residues in proteins or peptides during lysosomal degradation. Prefers acyl chain lengths of 14 to 18 carbons.
  • Fatty acid elongation
  • Fatty Acid Elongation In Mitochondria
  • Long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHAD)
  • Lysosome
Palmitoyl-[protein] + Water → Palmitic acid + [protein] details
Palmityl-CoA + Water → Coenzyme A + Palmitic acid details
GO Classification
Biological Process
apoptotic DNA fragmentation
associative learning
cellular protein catabolic process
cofactor metabolic process
cofactor transport
lysosomal lumen acidification
membrane raft organization
neuron development
positive regulation of pinocytosis
protein depalmitoylation
regulation of phospholipase A2 activity
sphingolipid catabolic process
negative regulation of neuron apoptotic process
protein transport
regulation of synapse structure and activity
adult locomotory behavior
positive regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis
brain development
negative regulation of cell growth
visual perception
neurotransmitter secretion
grooming behavior
receptor-mediated endocytosis
Cellular Component
membrane raft
Golgi apparatus
synaptic vesicle
extracellular region
neuronal cell body
extracellular space
hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds
catalytic activity
hydrolase activity
palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity
thiolester hydrolase activity
Molecular Function
palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activity
palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity
metabolic process
macromolecule metabolic process
macromolecule modification
protein modification process
Cellular Location
  1. Lysosome
Gene Properties
Chromosome Location 1
Locus 1p32
Gene Sequence
>921 bp
Protein Properties
Number of Residues 306
Molecular Weight 34193.245
Theoretical pI 6.523
Pfam Domain Function
Signals Not Available
Transmembrane Regions Not Available
Protein Sequence
>Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1
GenBank ID Protein Not Available
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID P50897
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Entry Name PPT1_HUMAN
GenBank Gene ID U44772
GeneCard ID PPT1
GenAtlas ID PPT1
General References
  1. Chen R, Jiang X, Sun D, Han G, Wang F, Ye M, Wang L, Zou H: Glycoproteomics analysis of human liver tissue by combination of multiple enzyme digestion and hydrazide chemistry. J Proteome Res. 2009 Feb;8(2):651-61. doi: 10.1021/pr8008012. [PubMed:19159218 ]
  2. Gerhard DS, Wagner L, Feingold EA, Shenmen CM, Grouse LH, Schuler G, Klein SL, Old S, Rasooly R, Good P, Guyer M, Peck AM, Derge JG, Lipman D, Collins FS, Jang W, Sherry S, Feolo M, Misquitta L, Lee E, Rotmistrovsky K, Greenhut SF, Schaefer CF, Buetow K, Bonner TI, Haussler D, Kent J, Kiekhaus M, Furey T, Brent M, Prange C, Schreiber K, Shapiro N, Bhat NK, Hopkins RF, Hsie F, Driscoll T, Soares MB, Casavant TL, Scheetz TE, Brown-stein MJ, Usdin TB, Toshiyuki S, Carninci P, Piao Y, Dudekula DB, Ko MS, Kawakami K, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Gruber CE, Smith MR, Simmons B, Moore T, Waterman R, Johnson SL, Ruan Y, Wei CL, Mathavan S, Gunaratne PH, Wu J, Garcia AM, Hulyk SW, Fuh E, Yuan Y, Sneed A, Kowis C, Hodgson A, Muzny DM, McPherson J, Gibbs RA, Fahey J, Helton E, Ketteman M, Madan A, Rodrigues S, Sanchez A, Whiting M, Madari A, Young AC, Wetherby KD, Granite SJ, Kwong PN, Brinkley CP, Pearson RL, Bouffard GG, Blakesly RW, Green ED, Dickson MC, Rodriguez AC, Grimwood J, Schmutz J, Myers RM, Butterfield YS, Griffith M, Griffith OL, Krzywinski MI, Liao N, Morin R, Palmquist D, Petrescu AS, Skalska U, Smailus DE, Stott JM, Schnerch A, Schein JE, Jones SJ, Holt RA, Baross A, Marra MA, Clifton S, Makowski KA, Bosak S, Malek J: The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). Genome Res. 2004 Oct;14(10B):2121-7. [PubMed:15489334 ]
  3. Zhang H, Li XJ, Martin DB, Aebersold R: Identification and quantification of N-linked glycoproteins using hydrazide chemistry, stable isotope labeling and mass spectrometry. Nat Biotechnol. 2003 Jun;21(6):660-6. Epub 2003 May 18. [PubMed:12754519 ]
  4. Vesa J, Hellsten E, Verkruyse LA, Camp LA, Rapola J, Santavuori P, Hofmann SL, Peltonen L: Mutations in the palmitoyl protein thioesterase gene causing infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Nature. 1995 Aug 17;376(6541):584-7. [PubMed:7637805 ]
  5. Crews CM, Lane WS, Schreiber SL: Didemnin binds to the protein palmitoyl thioesterase responsible for infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Apr 30;93(9):4316-9. [PubMed:8633062 ]
  6. Schriner JE, Yi W, Hofmann SL: cDNA and genomic cloning of human palmitoyl-protein thioesterase (PPT), the enzyme defective in infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Genomics. 1996 Jun 15;34(3):317-22. [PubMed:8786130 ]
  7. Lu JY, Verkruyse LA, Hofmann SL: Lipid thioesters derived from acylated proteins accumulate in infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis: correction of the defect in lymphoblasts by recombinant palmitoyl-protein thioesterase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Sep 17;93(19):10046-50. [PubMed:8816748 ]
  8. Mitchison HM, Hofmann SL, Becerra CH, Munroe PB, Lake BD, Crow YJ, Stephenson JB, Williams RE, Hofman IL, Taschner PE, Martin JJ, Philippart M, Andermann E, Andermann F, Mole SE, Gardiner RM, O'Rawe AM: Mutations in the palmitoyl-protein thioesterase gene (PPT; CLN1) causing juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis with granular osmiophilic deposits. Hum Mol Genet. 1998 Feb;7(2):291-7. [PubMed:9425237 ]
  9. Das AK, Becerra CH, Yi W, Lu JY, Siakotos AN, Wisniewski KE, Hofmann SL: Molecular genetics of palmitoyl-protein thioesterase deficiency in the U.S. J Clin Invest. 1998 Jul 15;102(2):361-70. [PubMed:9664077 ]
  10. van Diggelen OP, Thobois S, Tilikete C, Zabot MT, Keulemans JL, van Bunderen PA, Taschner PE, Losekoot M, Voznyi YV: Adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis with palmitoyl-protein thioesterase deficiency: first adult-onset patients of a childhood disease. Ann Neurol. 2001 Aug;50(2):269-72. [PubMed:11506414 ]
  11. Kousi M, Siintola E, Dvorakova L, Vlaskova H, Turnbull J, Topcu M, Yuksel D, Gokben S, Minassian BA, Elleder M, Mole SE, Lehesjoki AE: Mutations in CLN7/MFSD8 are a common cause of variant late-infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Brain. 2009 Mar;132(Pt 3):810-9. doi: 10.1093/brain/awn366. Epub 2009 Feb 5. [PubMed:19201763 ]