Hmdb loader
HMDB Protein ID HMDBP12766
Secondary Accession Numbers None
Name Ectopic P granules protein 5 homolog
Synonyms Not Available
Gene Name EPG5
Protein Type Unknown
Biological Properties
General Function Not Available
Specific Function Involved in autophagy. May play a role in a late step of autophagy, such as clearance of autophagosomal cargo. Plays a key role in innate and adaptive immune response triggered by unmethylated cytidine-phosphate-guanosine (CpG) dinucleotides from pathogens, and mediated by the nucleotide-sensing receptor TLR9. It is necessary for the translocation of CpG dinucleotides from early endosomes to late endosomes and lysosomes, where TLR9 is located (PubMed:29130391).
Pathways Not Available
Reactions Not Available
GO Classification
Biological Process
endosome to lysosome transport
autophagosome maturation
cellular response to dsDNA
endocytic recycling
nucleotide transport
toll-like receptor 9 signaling pathway
Cellular Component
perinuclear region of cytoplasm
Cellular Location Not Available
Gene Properties
Chromosome Location Not Available
Locus Not Available
SNPs Not Available
Gene Sequence Not Available
Protein Properties
Number of Residues 2579
Molecular Weight 292478.08
Theoretical pI 6.428
Pfam Domain Function Not Available
Signals Not Available
Transmembrane Regions Not Available
Protein Sequence Not Available
GenBank ID Protein Not Available
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID Q9HCE0
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Entry Name EPG5_HUMAN
PDB IDs Not Available
GenBank Gene ID Not Available
GeneCard ID Not Available
GenAtlas ID Not Available
HGNC ID Not Available
General References
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