Hmdb loader
HMDB Protein ID HMDBP14589
Secondary Accession Numbers None
Name Tripeptidyl-peptidase 1
  1. TPP-1
  2. Tripeptidyl aminopeptidase
  3. Tripeptidyl-peptidase I
  4. TPP-I
Gene Name TPP1
Protein Type Unknown
Biological Properties
General Function Not Available
Specific Function Lysosomal serine protease with tripeptidyl-peptidase I activity (PubMed:23587805). May act as a non-specific lysosomal peptidase which generates tripeptides from the breakdown products produced by lysosomal proteinases (By similarity). Requires substrates with an unsubstituted N-terminus (By similarity).
  • Lysosome
Reactions Not Available
GO Classification
Biological Process
locomotory behavior
central nervous system development
Cellular Component
Molecular Function
endopeptidase activity
metal ion binding
tripeptidyl-peptidase activity
serine-type endopeptidase activity
Cellular Location Not Available
Gene Properties
Chromosome Location Not Available
Locus Not Available
SNPs Not Available
Gene Sequence Not Available
Protein Properties
Number of Residues 557
Molecular Weight 61538.5
Theoretical pI 6.382
Pfam Domain Function
  • 1-16;
Transmembrane Regions Not Available
Protein Sequence Not Available
GenBank ID Protein Not Available
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID F8W2M8
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Entry Name TPP1_DANRE
PDB IDs Not Available
GenBank Gene ID Not Available
GeneCard ID Not Available
GenAtlas ID Not Available
HGNC ID Not Available
General References
  1. Howe K, Clark MD, Torroja CF, Torrance J, Berthelot C, Muffato M, Collins JE, Humphray S, McLaren K, Matthews L, McLaren S, Sealy I, Caccamo M, Churcher C, Scott C, Barrett JC, Koch R, Rauch GJ, White S, Chow W, Kilian B, Quintais LT, Guerra-Assuncao JA, Zhou Y, Gu Y, Yen J, Vogel JH, Eyre T, Redmond S, Banerjee R, Chi J, Fu B, Langley E, Maguire SF, Laird GK, Lloyd D, Kenyon E, Donaldson S, Sehra H, Almeida-King J, Loveland J, Trevanion S, Jones M, Quail M, Willey D, Hunt A, Burton J, Sims S, McLay K, Plumb B, Davis J, Clee C, Oliver K, Clark R, Riddle C, Elliot D, Threadgold G, Harden G, Ware D, Begum S, Mortimore B, Kerry G, Heath P, Phillimore B, Tracey A, Corby N, Dunn M, Johnson C, Wood J, Clark S, Pelan S, Griffiths G, Smith M, Glithero R, Howden P, Barker N, Lloyd C, Stevens C, Harley J, Holt K, Panagiotidis G, Lovell J, Beasley H, Henderson C, Gordon D, Auger K, Wright D, Collins J, Raisen C, Dyer L, Leung K, Robertson L, Ambridge K, Leongamornlert D, McGuire S, Gilderthorp R, Griffiths C, Manthravadi D, Nichol S, Barker G, Whitehead S, Kay M, Brown J, Murnane C, Gray E, Humphries M, Sycamore N, Barker D, Saunders D, Wallis J, Babbage A, Hammond S, Mashreghi-Mohammadi M, Barr L, Martin S, Wray P, Ellington A, Matthews N, Ellwood M, Woodmansey R, Clark G, Cooper J, Tromans A, Grafham D, Skuce C, Pandian R, Andrews R, Harrison E, Kimberley A, Garnett J, Fosker N, Hall R, Garner P, Kelly D, Bird C, Palmer S, Gehring I, Berger A, Dooley CM, Ersan-Urun Z, Eser C, Geiger H, Geisler M, Karotki L, Kirn A, Konantz J, Konantz M, Oberlander M, Rudolph-Geiger S, Teucke M, Lanz C, Raddatz G, Osoegawa K, Zhu B, Rapp A, Widaa S, Langford C, Yang F, Schuster SC, Carter NP, Harrow J, Ning Z, Herrero J, Searle SM, Enright A, Geisler R, Plasterk RH, Lee C, Westerfield M, de Jong PJ, Zon LI, Postlethwait JH, Nusslein-Volhard C, Hubbard TJ, Roest Crollius H, Rogers J, Stemple DL: The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome. Nature. 2013 Apr 25;496(7446):498-503. doi: 10.1038/nature12111. Epub 2013 Apr 17. [PubMed:23594743 ]
  2. Mahmood F, Fu S, Cooke J, Wilson SW, Cooper JD, Russell C: A zebrafish model of CLN2 disease is deficient in tripeptidyl peptidase 1 and displays progressive neurodegeneration accompanied by a reduction in proliferation. Brain. 2013 May;136(Pt 5):1488-507. doi: 10.1093/brain/awt043. Epub 2013 Apr 15. [PubMed:23587805 ]